Visit of the Head of BPS for North Kalimantan Province at BPS Nunukan - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Nunukan Regency

The Nunukan Regency BPS Integrated Statistics Service (PST) serves from 08.00 to 15.30 WITA every working day. Online services are still open via: e-mail: or Whatsapp Number: 0878-8113-2138. Thank You || At the moment, Nunukan Regency in Figures 2024 is available and can be accessed here

Based on the results of the 2023 Agricultural Census in Nunukan Regency, the number of agricultural business households in Nunukan Regency is 21,601 households.

The Nunukan Regency Human Development Index (HDI) in 2023 reached 68.43, an increase of 0.55 points (0.81 percent) compared to the previous year (67.88). For more complete information, you can download it here || In February 2024, year on year (y-on-y) inflation in Nunukan Regency will be 3.03 percent with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 105.60

Visit of the Head of BPS for North Kalimantan Province at BPS Nunukan

Visit of the Head of BPS for North Kalimantan Province at BPS Nunukan

January 26, 2024 | Other Activities

Thursday (25/01) Head of BPS North Kalimantan Province, Mr. Mas'ud Rifai, SST., MM. made an official visit to BPS Nunukan Regency. This official visit was in the context of monitoring the 2024 SNLIK census in Nunukan Regency. He was welcomed directly by the Head of BPS Nunukan Regency, Mr. Iskandar Ahmaddien, SST., SE., SH., MM. and all Nunukan Regency BPS employees. During this visit, he provided training to Nunukan Regency BPS employees regarding growth mindset and an attitude of being open to change and always updating their abilities according to the demands of the times.

In the afternoon, he, the Head of BPS Nunukan together with the BPS Nunukan Regency Sectoral Statistics Development team attended the Nunukan Regency One Data Forum meeting. The meeting was attended by Assistant II for Economic Development, Bappeda and Diskominfo Nunukan Regency. At 14.00 WITA, his activities continued with supervision of the 2024 SNLIK census with the Head of BPS Nunukan Regency and the 2024 SNLIK team. On that occasion, he conveyed the evaluation of the 2024 SNLIK census to the SNLIK Team, regarding good and correct interview techniques, and asked about several concepts and definitions to the enumerator and team.

In the evening, he attended a friendly evening with Vertical Agencies and the Nunukan Regency OPD to strengthen communication with work partners.

Oh yes, on the evening of January 24 2024, when he arrived in Nunukan, he took the time to build a closer relationship with BPS Nunukan employees in a friendly event with BPS Nunukan employees.

Thank you for your presence, Mr Mas'ud. We look forward to welcoming you at the next opportunity. 🙏🙏

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